September 17, 2011

Lucas' First Day of Preschool!

My big boy started preschool on Thursday! We started the morning off with his favorite home made smoothie and a surprise basketball balloon (my mother always had a balloon for me on the first day of school). We packed up his tote bag and new lunch box (a car and truck themed box!) and headed out. I had butterflies as we drove to St. Stephens and met Steve there to drop Lucas off. We waited in line by his classroom door (he's in the Piggies room) and quickly said,"Good bye" because it was busy and I was given advice not to drag it out. Well, I turned around and cried and Lucas rushed in and played without any tears!! I made the most of my time by running errands and eating a peaceful lunch with my baby girl. I was excited to pick up Lucas and see how his day went. He greeted me with a big squeeze, "three kisses for mommy" and not a tear! He had read stories, sang songs, had snack, eaten his entire lunch, played out side and worked with red crayons. What a day! He took a great nap and then woke up to read a story to his sister, have his favorite supper and a special apple cupcake. It was a great day and I was so proud of him!

Lucas and Allie on Lucas' first day of preschool

Mommy and her big boy

St. Stephen's Preschool on Thursday, September 15th

Lucas is in the Piggies room LOL! His teachers are Ms. Joanne and Ms. Jennifer

About to go in!

Reading to his sister and pretending he's the teacher!

In Lucas' words, "Oh Boy!"

A delicious apple cupcake!

1 comment:

  1. So cute Julie! You have an awesome kid because you are an awesome mom!
