June 20, 2009

The Nursery

Many people have been anxiously awaiting pictures of the nursery. Here they are! Enjoy!


  1. Your blog looks good Julie. My family is so glad that I set one up so they can see Anthony's grow and stay up to date with his development. Seventeen months later I can't believe how many of my friends still follow it too. You and your family will be glad you did this. :-)

  2. Your nursery is so beautiful. Im sure Lucas will love it. I love your blog design too. I have your blog saved so I will check it whenever I can. Enjoy the last weeks of your pregnancy.

  3. It looks beautiful!! And FYI, I thik he's going to be 8 lbs 1 oz ;)

    Can't wait to hear the good news!

  4. Oops, that last comment was from me (Lindsey) - I was signed in as Darren ;)
