At four months Lucas is a very busy boy! He is pushing up very well and starting to inch forward. He is also learning to sit up unassisted. He has a new toy, the Excersaucer, and really enjoys playing in it. Lately we have been trying to get on a nap routine WITHOUT the pacifier...that has not been easy! He continues to sleep well through the night, from 8:30 pm until 7:00 am. This month at his checkup we were surprised to find that he weighs 13 lbs and 14 oz., less than what we had expected. He is now only in the 23% for weight, so the doctor recommended we think about starting rice cereal. We will begin that after Thanksgiving when we return to Virginia. He is very tall, 26 and 1/4 inches, in the 87 percentile. Tall and thin, who does that remind you of? Not mommy!!

He might have Daddy's body, but he totally looks like you. 4 months old...time flies by when you have a newborn. They just get more and more fun from here!